— At 12:12 p.m. Feb. 7, a man used a demand note to attempt to rob the Royal Bank, 1230 Walnut St. The teller did not give him any money and he fled north on 13th Street. Later, police arrested a man for other bank robberies in the area and he also was suspected of this crime. Charges are pending.
— At 4:25 p.m. Feb. 10, a woman observed two women attempting to force their way into her apartment on the 200 block of South 13th Street through an open window. She contacted police and the suspects, ages 27 and 34, were arrested and charged with burglary and related offenses.
— There were five thefts from parked vehicles reported Feb. 6-12: outside 114 S. 12th St., 1100 Pine St., 242 S. Eighth St., 900 Bonaparte Ct. and 807 Addison St.
— There was one theft of a bicycle reported Feb. 6-12: outside 1305 Locust St.
— At 9:52 p.m. Feb. 6, police arrested an 18-year-old man for assault on police after an incident inside Wawa, 201 S. Broad St.

— At 5:51 p.m. Feb. 8, police arrested a 23-year-old woman on suspicion of driving under the influence of narcotics in the 300 block of South Eighth Street.