Will you watch Trump’s inauguration?

Jessica Dauber
cook | Queen Village
"No. I find Trump to be appalling. I wouldn’t subject myself to the pain of seeing him on TV. It would be very upsetting."

Ryan Morrison
college professor | Bella Vista
"No. I’m interested in politics, moreso now than ever. But I’m not interested in the spectacle of politics. I don’t need to see Trump getting inaugurated to know that it happened."

Karl Thomas
courier | West Philadelphia
"Sure, why not? He’s my president, and I support him. I want to hear what he has to say. I might not agree with everything but I have patriotism for my country."

Claire Vagnone
student | Queen Village
"No, I don’t like Trump. I’m very scared about what will happen to the country. He’s only going to help white, straight men. Women’s rights will be hindered. I don’t want to see him getting sworn into office."

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