OK, enough moaning over the election already. It’s the holiday season and nothing will really change for another few weeks, so let’s take this last Trump-less holiday season to do what has become the custom: celebrate our friends, family and those who give their time each year to make our young community a better place in which to live. There will be plenty of time to not moan but to take action in just a few weeks.
Now, if you are one of those who just can’t put your feelings away, why not channel them into the spirit of the season? Volunteer. That’s right, use your anger and turn it into good. You can do so with your local LGBT political organization or, if you wish to attempt to venture away from politics, there are our community’s medical and community organizations. What about helping out at great organizations like Philadelphia FIGHT, The Attic Youth Center or Home for Hope, the fledgling LGBT homeless shelter?
If you can’t let your election emotions go, please still try and allow others to enjoy the season. If you feel lonely at this time as many do, get out of the house and visit your community center or one of the many places that will welcome you.
That said, to all of you who have taken the time to read this column and contributed to the conversation, thank you — and to all a cheerful and bright holiday!