Making the holidays gay

Thanks to the holidays, there’s a new way to look at climate change — which may make you scratch your head for a moment.

At this time of year, we’re all receiving solicitations from nonprofits: your local community center, youth programs, shelters and so many other good causes. But there’s a question that has to be asked, or more accurately, a statement that needs to be made. With all the snail-mail solicitations I’ve received from conservation organizations, I could have saved a couple trees … Just a thought.

Another part of the holiday season is shopping. Now here’s where you can make a major contribution. If you’re going to shop, shop local and shop at small mom-and-pop stores. How many of those large department stores support our LGBT community? Macy’s, for one, but few others do. When was the last time you saw a national jewelry store — you know, the ones in every mall — support your community? There are lots of local ones that do in every city.

Since I’m now an author, I guess I’ll add that maybe a good LGBT book is a nice present. Not just my memoir — there are thousands of LGBT titles to choose from.

How about a day at the spa as a present or a weekend at a hotel? Just pick one of those brands that supports your community.

Then there’s this great idea: Instead of giving an item to someone, make a donation in their name to their favorite charity, nonprofit or community organization.

I guess what this column is all about is really simple: Make the holidays gay, gay, gay.

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