Erik Backlund
social-science researcher | Gayborhood
"Address LGBT-youth issues. Make sure there’s an adequate safety net for LGBT youth in Philadelphia. If we can provide social support for LGBT youth to help them avoid pitfalls such as substance abuse, homelessness and sex work, all the better. Everyone benefits in society."

Kevin Minor
student/musician | Society Hill
"I’m a musician. Why not turn the old Boy Scouts building into a creative outlet for the community? It could be an art studio, a recording studio, even a venue for large concerts. LGBT bands could perform. A lot of LGBT kids have an affinity for punk rock. That building could be a great venue for them to express themselves."

Frankie Rowles
graphic designer | Gayborhood
"I’m concerned about racism in the Gayborhood. The new commission should hold community forums aimed an ending, or at least lessening, racism in the Gayborhood. It’s a problem. The commission should make use of all forms of communication, including social media. I just want people to be nice to each other."

Andrew Taitelman
accountant | Fairmount
"Do whatever it can to stop the violence. No one should be victimized by violence simply because of their social status. You should be able to be yourself, walk down the street and not worry about a physical altercation [with someone]. I hope the commission encourages law enforcement [officials] to help end these acts of violence."
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