Tyler Cirillo
cook | Point Breeze
"Yes, I voted for her. I like her policies. Granted, all politicians are dishonest, to some degree. But basically, she’s a good person. People think she won’t win, if she tries again. But nobody thought Trump would win. And look what happened."

Brandon Peart
financial consultant | Queen Village
"Yes. I’m a very big feminist. I wholeheart-edly support Hillary’s agenda for the disenfran-chised. If she chooses to run again in 2020, she has my vote. She’s one of many qualified women. I hope everyone will rally around her, if she runs again."

Hayden Rudinski
shift supervisor | Mount Joy
"No, I think Hillary is corrupt. She’s for sale to the highest bidder. Right now, she’s owned by the health-care industry. I do think she has some type of role in government, but not as president."

Mara Thomas
maintenance engineer | Logan
"Yes, definitely. I voted for Hillary in 2012 and 2016. I’d love to vote for her again in 2020. I’m saving all my ‘Hillary’ buttons and pins. We need a woman in the White House to shake things up. I’m all for equality."
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