Sophia Astles
musician | North Philadelphia
"I’m a jazz vocalist. I’m grateful for my voice. I get a lot of positive feedback from friends. I lived in New Orleans for several months. Jazz is very prominent down there. I’m grateful that experience helped hone my skills."

Yavah Briggs
security guard | Germantown
"I’m grateful for my family. Family is very important to me. I have a larger family. Everyone will be together for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m looking forward to it. It will remind me of my dear grandmother who passed away."

Morgan Mack
student/wait staff | Carlisle, Pa.
"I just saw ‘Selma’ in class. So I’m grateful I can walk down the street and not get hit with a nightstick. I still have some concerns for my safety. I live in an area where there’s a lot of racist people. But I try to surround myself with friends when I’m out in public."

Emanuel Stiff
student/Army specialist | Germantown
"I’m in the Army. I’m grateful the Army is paying for my education. They’re basically paying for me to go to school. I’m attending classes at Penn State, Abington [campus]. All the education I’m receiving will be beneficial in my future career. I’m very grateful for that."
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