John Ackerman
post-doctoral researcher | Society Hill
"I think it’s a great way to make a statement because the spotlight is shining. The athletes are calling attention to what our country isn’t doing well. I’m all for it."

Michael Gerard
attorney | Queen Village
"As long as it’s a peaceful protest, I think it’s a totally appropriate forum to get your point across. It’s consistent with other athletes throughout our country’s history who’ve taken strong political stands. Those athletes have really helped create progress."

Justin Swain
executive chef | Bella Vista
"The athletes can do what they want. If that’s their preference, they have every right to do it. It’s not like our country is so perfect that it can’t be criticized. Everything could use improvement, including our country."

Robert Touchton
dog walker | Center City
"We definitely need social change in our society. Police brutality is rampant. And we’re on the verge of having a Trump presidency, which would be awful. So I’m all for the athletes protesting for social change, in any way they can."
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