Politics is about addition

Politics is about addition — not subtraction, and not division. If the Republican Party doesn’t realize this, we risk alienating an entire generation of new voters. Voters we desperately need.

Two years ago, a Gallup Poll estimated that roughly one in five LGBTQ Americans identifies as a Republican. Admittedly, it’s an embarrassingly low number for our party, but it’s not an insignificant one. Despite decades of incendiary rhetoric and demonization, one in five LGBTQ Americans thinks of themselves as a conservative. It offered us a starting point.

But today, we’re in a different era, and Republicans have more than just a starting point: We have an opportunity, and it comes at a moment when our party is in dire need of one.

In the post-Obergefell era, millions of young LGBTQ families are forming across the country, rightfully taking advantage of their newly recognized constitutional right to marry. These LGBTQ families face the same obstacles and harbor the same worries for the future than traditional families do: They want to know that their children are safe in America. That they will inherit a prosperous country, that they won’t be taxed to death by an out-of-control federal government.

They want to give their children a better life than they had. The Republican Party is in a position to offer them that, and if we want to build a winning coalition in 2016 and beyond, we must.

We would hardly be starting from scratch. Groups like Pink Pistols — a pro-Second Amendment LGBT group — Log Cabin Republicans and Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry have already been hard at work taking an optimistic, inclusive conservative message to the LGBTQ community. They’ve demonstrated extremely effective ways to appeal to LGBTQ families on traditional Republican issues like freedom, national security — even on the importance of strong family values. The failure of our party to capitalize on the inroads they’ve made would be a historic mistake — one that promises to set the GOP even further back among the next generation of voters.

In June, a man who had committed himself to the cause of ISIS walked into a gay nightclub and massacred 49 innocent Americans. In the worst way possible, the LGBTQ community was reminded of the evils of bigotry and hatred that still permeate the darkest, most deranged corners of our society.

The bar for Republicans was so low that our party’s leaders were lauded for merely acknowledging that the shooter deliberately targeted LGBTQ Americans.

We are better than that. We must do better than that.

Our party must explain to LGBTQ Americans why a strong national defense is in their and their children’s best interest. We must engage with them, championing the security, safety and dignity guaranteed by the Second Amendment. When tragedy strikes, such as in Orlando, we must not merely offer our condolences; rather, we must offer our solutions. We must prove to them that they are welcome on our team — that our party’s values are their families’ values. That they belong in the party that loves freedom, security and prosperity, and that will fight tooth and nail for their chance at a future defined by those ideals.

Last month, Chairman Reince Priebus declared that, despite the chaos and division of the 2016 election, the GOP remains the party of the “open door.” That may be so — and if it is, victory on the campaign trail and a century of conservative leadership are only a ways off. But it remains to be seen, and to millions of LGBT Americans, it’s a dubious proposal at best.

If the GOP is going to survive and thrive in the 21st century, it’s time to prove it.

John Fluharty is former executive director of the Delaware Republican Party.

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