— Between 8:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. July 20, someone broke a sliding-glass door and entered an unoccupied residence on the 200 block of South Ninth Street, stealing items.
— Between 1:30-2:40 p.m. July 21, someone broke into two apartments on the 1300 block of Spruce Street through a window and front door, stealing items from one and ransacking the other.
— Between 7:30-8:45 p.m. July 21, a patron reported he was the victim of a pickpocket while inside Woody’s, 200 S. 13th St.
— There was one theft from a parked vehicle reported July 18-24: in the 1300 block of Pine Street.
— There were two thefts of bicycles reported July 18-24: in the 1100 block of Sansom Street and 1100 block of Waverly Street.

— At 11:26 p.m. July 18, a SEPTA officer issued a summary citation for fare evasion to a 17-year-old male at 1300 Market St.
— At 8:55 p.m. July 19, police arrested a 39-year-old male patient of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, 132 S. 10th St., for the physical assault of a health-care professional inside the hospital.
— At 3:55 p.m. July 21, police arrested a 63-year-old man for driving under the influence in the 100 block of South 10th Street.
— At 5:40 p.m. July 22, Sixth District Officer Alexander and Sgt. Fletcher arrested a 57-year-old man for a prior reported theft (July 19) in the 1000 block of Chestnut Street.