RNC Recap: Day Four

Here’s the wrap-up from the final day of the RNC: 


PA Delegation Breakfast speaker:  
Vice Presidential Nominee Mike Pence, again proving the emphasis and importance of Pennsylvania to the campaign. 

Day Theme:
Make America One Again

Key Speakers:
Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump 
Businesswoman Ivanka Trump 
Entrepreneur billionaire Peter Thiel, the
openly gay co-founder of PayPal.  

Mr. Thiel said at one point: “I’m gay, I’m Republican, but most importantly I’m American” to a raucous standing ovation, historic for the RNC. This was followed up by Mr. Trump calling for protections for LGBTQ Americans, which also received rousing applause in clear support. Mr. Trump even followed up off-script to highlight and congratulate the Republican delegates for supporting the LGBTQ community.  

This is a new Republican Party led by the most pro-LGBTQ candidate, Donald Trump, with delegates from around the country openly applauding for gay rights and protections en bloc to prevent another massacre like Orlando. Don’t believe the lies from the Democrats. The greatest worldwide threat to the LGBTQ community is radical Islam that preaches the murder of all gays. There are still countries where gays are tortured, imprisoned and killed. And instead of standing up to these extreme regimes and demanding change like Mr. Trump has, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was making deals and raising money from them for the Clinton Foundation. We Americans may have small disagreements on the balance between religious freedoms and gay rights, but it is clear to me, my fellow GOP delegates, and Mr. Trump where the real threat to the LGBTQ community is.  

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