RNC Recap: Day Two

Here’s a look at the highlights of Tuesday’s Republican National Convention. 


PA Delegation breakfast speakers:
Donald Trump, Jr.
Sen. Joni Ernst
Sen. Jeff Sessions

PA Delegation Presidential Nominations Votes:
Trump 70 – Cruz 1

Tuesday Night Theme:
Make America Work Again

Keynote Speakers:
Donald Trump, Jr
Gov. Chris Christie 
Dr. Ben Carson 
Tiffany Trump
Speaker of House Paul Ryan
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

LGBTTrump hosted an after party for LGBT Republicans with guests Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannapoulos, Pam Geller, Peter Thiel and Dutch politician Geert Wilders. The event was completely sold out with an overwhelmingly supportive response from the conventioneers. I personally met at least 10 openly gay delegates and supporters, including from California, Missouri, Nevada, Washington, D.C., Idaho, Ohio and of course Pennsylvania.

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