Stephanie Connor
pet groomer | Fishtown
"Yes. It was such an awful tragedy, a very overwhelm-ing event. I do believe legislators will be moved by it and push through ENDA. There’s no way this tragedy can be ignored. It was hideous, horrendous and appalling. I was really pissed when I heard about it."

Timothy Pascoe
store clerk | South Philadelphia
"No. It’s going to be forgotten, unfortunate-ly. Of course, I stand up for LGBT rights, 100 percent, but many people don’t. The massacre at Pulse isn’t going to motivate legislators to change their position on LGBT rights. It’s more of a passing fancy with them."

Jamie Punzalan
artist | Society Hill
"Yes, it’s getting a lot of attention. It was a horrible tragedy but something good has to come of it. At least I cling to that hope. I’m optimistic legislators will pass ENDA in Washington, and [more] hate-crimes laws in the states. I will be really sad if they don’t."

Lydia Rain
nanny | South Philadelphia
"No, I’m more pessimistic. Gun violence inspires people to have empty words. I don’t see any tangible actions behind the words. I don’t see our ‘leaders’ supporting pro-LGBT legislation because of what happened at Pulse. The sympathy is going to be gone in a minute."
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