Evidence suppression to be considered in Redding case

The defense would like to suppress some evidence against the man accused in the October killing of transgender woman Keisha Jenkins.

A date for the hearing on a motion to suppress was expected to be set by the end of the week.

The suspect, Pedro Redding, 25, has been evaluated by a medical expert while he remains in custody at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility.

Steven Gross, who represents Redding, told Judge Lillian Ransom at a July 13 pre-trial conference that he had preliminary results from a phone conversation with the doctor, but was awaiting a final report. At a conference in May, Ransom said she wanted results as soon as possible regarding Redding’s condition after he stopped taking medication for an undisclosed ailment.

Redding, of the 4500 block of North 13th Street, is charged with murder, conspiracy and robbery in connection with the Oct. 6 fatal shooting of Jenkins, 22.

Jenkins was assaulted by several men in Logan after getting out of a car at 13th and Wingohocking streets around 2:30 a.m. She was shot twice in the back during the attack.

Police do not believe Redding was the shooter, and no further arrests have been made. Police said the motive was robbery and there’s no evidence to indicate Jenkins was targeted for being transgender. n

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