Dwayne Green
pharmacy technician | Southwest Philadelphia
"The freedom to pursue alternate health approaches, such as herbology, homeopathic medicine and dietary adjustments. I really appreciate all the natural-food stores. They offer organic, GMO-free foods that are great. A good diet is key to health and happiness. No matter how much money you have, if you don’t have health, you’re not going to be happy."

Ardra Henderson
writer | South Philadelphia
"The freedom from slavery, to a certain extent. I’m not in shackles or on a plantation, per se. But economically, I feel very enslaved. Yet I’m optimistic that the economy will improve and people’s attitudes will change for the better. I hope so."

Robert Sandom
artist | Cardiff, Wales
"I’m an artist, so I’ll say freedom of expression. I’m an American, living in England. It’s vital for me to be creative and say what I want, without fear of reprisal. Those freedoms aren’t necessarily guaranteed in other parts of the world."

Breeann Tancredi
project manager | Fishtown
"The freedom to be a woman of my own choosing. The ability to do what I want without expectations. I have a lot of options. That’s very important to me. In many other cultures, it’s not that way."
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