A number of local communities are planning vigils to remember the victims of the LGBT nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla. For a full listing of local vigils, visit http://www.weareorlando.org/local-events.html.
Pizzeria Cappelli Fundraiser
June 17-18
209 S. 13th St.
The Gayborhood pizza shop will donate $1 of every slice purchased this weekend to a fund for Orlando victims.
Pulse Tragedy Benefit
10 p.m. June 17
Berks Warehouse, 1801 N. Howard St.
A dance party featuring several DJs, with proceeds from the $10 cover and drink sales going to the official Pulse Victims Fund, administered by Equality Florida; https://www.facebook.com/events/1026667050756111/.
Solstice: The Jersey Shore Affair
1-5 p.m. June 18
800 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park, N.J.
Hetrick-Martin Institute, which works with LGBT youth, will donate a portion of the proceeds of this event — which features cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, music and dancing — to the Pulse Victims Fund; hmi.org/solstice.
Philly LGBT Meet-Up
3 p.m.-7 p.m. June 18
Kahn Park, 11th and Pine streets
LGBTs and allies are invited to an afternoon of family-friendly fellowship. Guests are encouraged to bring blankets, radios, drinks and snacks; https://www.facebook.com/events/514454775422795/.
Mass of Remembrance
1 p.m. June 19
All Souls Ecumenical Catholic Communion
640 Centre Ave., Reading
LGBTs and allies are invited to the Mass in memory of the Orlando victims; www.facebook.com/events/1047153085370044/.
Dance for Orlando
Noon-6 p.m. June 19
HMAC Stage on Herr
268 Herr St., Harrisburg
LGBTs and allies are invited to this dance party that is meant to raise visibility of the LGBT community; https://www.facebook.com/events/269661153384749/.
Drexel University Vigil
4 p.m. June 20
3141 Chestnut St.
A campus vigil to honor the Orlando victims is open to the public; inclusion@drexel.edu.
Wreath-Laying Ceremony
5 p.m. June 20
Atlantic City Beach, in front of the Tropicana
The Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance will hold a wreath-laying ceremony to honor the Orlando victims; acglbt.org/events/wreath-ceremony-prayer-vigil/.
7-10 p.m. June 22
Franky Bradley’s, 1320 Chancellor St.
The venue will host performers including drag queens and aerial artists, with all proceeds from the $15 cover and auction sales going to a CrowdRise fundraising campaign for Orlando victims (www.crowdrise.com/we-stand-with-pulse-fund); https://www.facebook.com/events/1218090861535784/.
Drexel University Open Forum
3 p.m. June 24
3220 Market St., Room 220
A discussion will address the Orlando shooting; inclusion@drexel.edu.
Posters for Pulse
New Jersey-based artist David Ayllon is donating all proceeds from a series of limited-edition prints featuring drag queens to the Pulse Victims Fund; www.postersforpulse.com.
Stonewall Gives Back
The LGBT sports league is matching all donations, up to $7,500, with all proceeds benefitting the GLTB Community Center of Central Florida; stonewallgivesback.org.
A large-scale fundraiser for Orlando victims is being planned for 7 p.m. July 21. Participating venues include: Tabu, ICandy, Knock, Woody’s, Tavern on Camac, Bike Stop, Stir, Boxers, UBar, Franky Bradley’ and Voyeur. At 9 p.m. that evening, each venue will host a special programmed event, including drag and burlesque performances, and karaoke and poker competitions, with proceeds from the events supporting the victims. More information is expected in the coming weeks.