What is the PGN staff proud of this year?

Carol: I’m very proud to have a husband who is always there for me. He’s been my rock throughout my recovery from my recent surgery.


Don: I am proud of the amount of inclusion our community has on the national stage. 

Greg: I’m most proud of the things I’ve done to honor the people that matter the most to me — particularly my grandmother towards the end of her life. Also, playing in two basketball leagues at the ripe old age of 35.

Jaleesa: I am proud of my resilience. No matter how tough this move has proved to be, I’ve found myself still pushing myself daily to do better, be better, meet new people and really appreciate life. 

Jen: I am proud that I bought a house and, two months later, it’s still standing. I’m also proud of the home-improvement tasks I’ve taught myself. 

Larry: I’m proud to live in a city with such a diverse spectrum of people who aren’t shy about voicing their opinions and views about equality, even if it might not be the most popular opinion.

Mark: So much: that my memoir has touched so many people across the nation; that PGN has excelled and our staff has been recognized for that excellence; that we celebrated 40 years of publishing without missing one deadline. And I’m proud to be able to say I’m a very happily married man.

Paige: I have such pride in the public schools in our region. Since April, five districts have adopted trans-affirmative student policies, and were among the first in the state to do so. Students played a part in advocating for these policies, which makes me excited for the next generation of engaged citizens. On a personal level, I’m also proud of Carol for making it through a tough time with her health. Can’t wait to see her back in the office.

Prab: As an ally to the transgender community, I’m proud that more cisgender people are standing up shoulder-to-shoulder with their trans friends and family in the fight for equality. 

Sandy: I’m proud that, for the 10th year in a row, I’ve earned the trophy for “Mom of the Year.” (Just kidding — there’s no such award.) Seriously, I’m proud my daughter already is an advocate for justice and equal rights, and is very compassionate.

Scott: I’m proud of my second Sigma Delta Chi award in as many years; it feels surreal. I’m also proud of my guy Micheal, who is back in college. Mostly, I’m proud I took some time off recently.

Sean: I’m proud at succeeding at my resolution to be a better, more educated musician this year. At least somewhat. It’s important to always be ready to stretch and expand at the things you enjoy doing.

Tim: My last name means “nail” in Ukrainian. So I’m proud (and humbled) that I inherited a quality of tenacity and staying power when pursuing my dreams. 

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