Carmelo Galati
university professor | Gayborhood
"Anderson Cooper. He’s very attractive, but that’s not the main reason. He has a very large intellectual capacity. He’s such a fascinating person, I’d forget all about the need to be rescued. And he’s so smart, he’d probably figure out a way to get both of us off the island!"

Perry Melat
student | North Philadelphia
"Neal Patrick Harris. I’ve followed his career for several years. He’s funny and incredibly entertaining. He’d keep me amused. And we’d probably have a lot of good conversations, with all that time on our hands."

Nicole Seraphita
writer | Gayborhhood
"I’m a writer, so I’ll say Oscar Wilde. He pushed the societal norms of his times. And I’ve always been interested in avant-garde people. I’d be sure to ask him for some tips about writing."

Justin Voss
social worker | Gayborhood
"Adam Lambert. I find him sexy in a glam sort of way. He has a certain glamour about him that I find appealing, and he’s got a great voice. I’d talk him into a private concert. That would definitely help pass the time."
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