Catholic League smoke screen

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and other Catholic dioceses around the state are held in such disrespect by Pennsylvania citizens that it takes an out-of-state organization such as New York’s The Catholic League and its official apologist — the well-paid at nearly a half-million a year with benefits, Bill Donahue — to come to the rescue of … get ready for it…. the priest-abuse scandal. 


From a Catholic League press release titled “Moral Panic Grips Pennsylvania,” this is an actual quote: 

“Consider the following. Alleged cases of sexual abuse at a Catholic high school in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown were referred by the local D.A.’s office to the state Attorney General’s office. Let’s stop right there. How often is the state AG’s office asked to accept cases involving one high school, and how often does it comply? How common is it for the plaintiffs’ lawyer to come from out-of-state to handle the case, especially when it is known that the Church-suing millionaire attorney has a tainted record?”

And then there’s this … “To be exact, why is there no probe of sexual misconduct by public school teachers, rabbis, ministers, et al.?”

Did you note that he didn’t refute the allegations?

The point is clear: There has been a continued stream of child abuse in the Catholic Church and finally someone wants to investigate it and Well-Paid Bill is in a panic. What is he afraid they’ll find?  What are they hiding?

Maybe we should ask him a question: Hey, Bill, will your Catholic League support legislation that will extend Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations to allow people who committed crimes against children in the past to be tried now? I think the answer is in another line in his press release in which he states, “This is what a moral panic does, and it is going on right now in Pennsylvania. But it is not reporters who are arousing unnecessary fears, it is lawmakers and activists. Worse, they are acting like bigots.” 

Pennsylvanians see through your smoke screen, Bill. 

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