Nyree Jauhar
student | Gayborhood
"Fine, have such a group. But definitely work hand in hand with the Black Lives Matter movement. There’s so much overlap between the two issues. I say go for it!"

Cassandra Meehan
student | Center City
"Yes, have that group. But Black Lives Matter is also important. Have the groups collaborate whenever possible, to leverage power. Both groups can be strong when acting independently. But when they collaborate, they’ll be even stronger."

Matt Rohrer
student | Cherry Hill, N.J.
"No, combine the two movements into one overall group. I’m all for togetherness. The combination would help everybody. People are people. I think society gets too fragmented into different groups."

Natheshe Williams
administrative assistant | South Philadelphia
"Yes, because the LGBT community is often invisible and neglected. They’re made to feel as if they don’t matter. They need as much protection from the police as anyone else. I’m very sympathetic to the cause."
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