Herban: The Fast & The Vigorous

Herban Quality Eats has graduated from catering and health dishes to giving University City a convenient and relatively cost-effective alternative to fast food with its new cafeteria-style eatery, Herban, 3601 Market St.


Already doing a brisk business with students on the go, Herban’s menu has three categories that diners can customize to their liking: plates, salads and “snacketizers.” Most will gravitate towards the plates and salads. The plates have four components: a base (rice, kale or noodles), a protein (chicken, steak, salmon or the vegan “jawn”), a choice of two sides and a choice of sauces, ranging from the tame to the spicy. The vegan “jawn” (a patty concoction with quinoa forming the bulk of it) has a great consistency and texture that both vegans and carnivores can appreciate. Herban’s skills in cooking up a respectable portion of steak exceeded expectations too.

Fresh, wholesome ingredients are Herban’s strength but the real magic is in the sauces. All three options have their charms, but the walnut coriander sauce has the best balance of complexity and spice that goes well with whatever protein you choose. Herban’s salads are well thought-out as well. The Spruce salad is a lovely mix of kale, feta cheese, pecans and pears.

Hopefully, Herban and the people who stop in for a healthy bite will live long and prosper.

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