Sonja Bontrager
musician | Lawncrest
"Incarcera-tion would make an example out of her. However, it wouldn’t rehabilitate her. She needs lots of sensitivity training, and years of court-ordered therapy. She obviously has some issues to work out. Hopefully, she manages to do that with professional help."

Emily O’Connell
digital marketer | Allentown
"No. It’s horrific what she did. But closed-minded people don’t change. They don’t benefit from jail time, they just get worse. She should be required to attend sensitivity training. That would be better than going to jail. Once she got out, she would just do the same thing."

Amanda Raheb
student | Holmdel, N.J.
"Yes. She shouldn’t get off with a slap on the wrist. She needs to understand that you can’t go around assaulting people for holding hands. A few months of incarceration would be appropriate."

Steven Toll
financial consultant | Chinatown
"Send her to the women’s prison on State Road for a week. It won’t be fun. It wouldn’t hurt her. But it would teach her a lesson: not to mess with other people. She needs to suffer some consequences for her actions."
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