Michelle Cohen
pet groomer | Bella Vista
"No, I don’t think the state legislature is inclined to do that. I also don’t think we need it. I’m for LGBT rights, but just enforce what’s already on the books. We have enough laws to protect the LGBT community and everyone else. We don’t need to be politically correct to that extent."

Kerri Daly
teacher | South Philadelphia
"Yes, because Mayor Kenney is our new mayor. He’s a very influential person for the LGBT community. I think he’ll convince the state legislature to pass the legislation. We have it in Philadelphia; it’s only logical to have it throughout the state."

Allyson Gallagher
student | Center City
"Yes. I’m a big supporter of LGBT rights. Anything that can help stem the violence would be great. I do think it’s possible it will be passed in 2016. We just need to get the word out that everyone matters, including the LGBT community."

Kristine McKibban
store manager | Bellmawr, N.J.
"No, because it’s unnecessary to have individual-ized laws like that. I totally side with the LGBT community. But where does it end? Are we going to pass special laws for overweight people, people with red hair or people who don’t dress nicely?
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