Jessica Berman
nanny | Northeast Philadelphia
"Daniel Kaufman. He saved four lives during the San Bernadino shootings. Anyone who will sacrifice their life so that others can live has my utmost admiration. The shootings really made an impression on me. Terrorism is becoming rampant, and a daily concern."

Lorren Gantt
student | Olney
"Rosie O’Donnell. I saw her on a recent episode of ‘Empire.’ She portrayed a former prisoner. She played her character very well. It was surprising, shocking and something I’ve never seen her do. I admire her ability to portray a different character."

Frances McInerney
nanny | Brewerytown
"Adam Josephs. I really admire that he came out. He seems like the nicest person on TV. For someone in his position, it must have taken a lot of strength and self-confidence to come out. He’s very much in the public eye."

Dara Slott
store owner | South Philadelphia
"Caitlyn Jenner. It’s great that she had the courage to do what she did. She’s being her authentic self. And that deserves a lot of applause. I hope she’s able to bring about positive change for the trans community."
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