Can Charlie Sheen be useful as an AIDS educator?

Lyndsey Hochler
student | Gayborhood
"Yes. Charlie Sheen has a lot to offer, even though he’s made some mistakes. We’re all human and there’s good in all of us. I think it would be wonderful if he wants to raise public awareness about such a big issue."

Chalise Saunders
program associate | Northeast Philadelphia
"No, he’s too much of a bumbling idiot. He doesn’t have solid footing to reach and educate people. There are so many other people who can serve as AIDS educators — people who know and do better."

Katie Shelly
student | Gayborhood
"To an extent. If he treats the subject with respect, I would hope people will respond accordingly and learn from him. But it all depends on how he approaches the subject. After all, he has a wild reputation."

Savannah Souza
student | Gayborhood
"Yes, I think he can be effective. A national conversation about AIDS is really important. He can help do that because of his name recognition. Some people might be turned off by him, but some people won’t be.”

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