What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

Emily Azbell
student | West Philadelphia
"My sobriety. I’ve been clean and sober for two years and 47 days. I was an out-of-control heroin addict. I’m so appreciative that my life is being put back together. The support of family and peers has been a true blessing in my life."

Jesse Foster
political consultant | Overbrook
"That Hillary Clinton is doing so well in the [presidential] campaign. She held up extremely well during 10 hours of harassment by the Republicans during the Benghazi hearings. I can’t wait until we have our first female president. It’s long overdue."

Eric Graham
substance-abuse counselor | Nicetown
"That I still have my voice. I love to sing. But I’ve been smoking cigarettes for the past 29 years. I’m very grateful my voice is holding up quite well. I plan to sing ‘Amazing Grace’ for my family before Thanksgiving dinner."

Kris Zwack
sales clerk | West Philadelphia
"That I’ll be spending time with my family of choice. I have a wonderful biological family, but this Thanksgiving I’ll be with dear friends. They’re having a veggie pot-luck dinner. I’m a contented carnivore. Good vegetarian cooking will be a delicious treat!"

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