Local man promotes ‘LGBT Bill of Rights’

A Hatboro man is looking to disseminate a document he crafted that stipulates basic rights that should be afforded to LGBT people, in order to advance equality.

Frank Rosario wrote the “LGBT Bill of Rights” about a decade ago. The 10-point credo calls for basic guarantees, such as freedom from workplace harassment, full relationship recognition and equal parenting rights. 

While the marriage-equality movement saw milestone strides since the document was written, the underlying issues of homophobia that motivated anti-LGBT laws is still at work in society, Rosario said.

“It’s politically correct to say bullying is wrong now, but I’ve seen firsthand LGBT youth being bullied in school,” Rosario said. “In some cases, those youth have committed suicide after friends or family turned their backs on them. Situations like that need to change.”

To that end, Rosario, who identifies as bisexual, wants his Bill of Rights to be used by LGBT organizations, in workplaces and even on commercial products to promote the simple notion that LGBT people should be considered equal on every front.

“No one has right to judge me or anyone else in world, no one has that right,” he said. “We’re all human. Nobody is different than anybody else. And if people look at the Bill of Rights, I think it might make people take a step back and really think about each of the points.”

Rosario has launched a website for the Bill of Rights (lgbtbacker.com), and also has a social-media presence on Facebook and Twitter.

“I want this to be a good stepping stone, to motivate people to get out and join this fight,” Rosario said. 

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