Thomas M. Hoover
attorney | Gayborhood
"His visit was good for the city. I could have done without all the disruption but it boosted the city’s image and helped us forget other problems, temporarily. I was touched that he went to the correctional facility. He showed people that no one is trash."

Anja Jones
research coordinator | Washington Square West
"I was glad Pope Francis visited. He spread a lot of good will in the city, and he looked fabulous in that cape! It compliment-ed his white dress quite nicely. And his beanie cap was so adorable."

Shelby Nelson
student | Gayborhood
"I thought it was awesome that he came. But it felt a little like being in a cage, with all the perimeter fencing. But his visit was great.There was no madness. Pope Francis instilled good conduct that reflected well on the city."

Laura Stedenfeld
urban designer | Washington Square West
"Overall, I thought it was a cool thing for the city to be welcoming a world leader. I didn’t feel compelled to see him; he doesn’t have any relevance in my life. I wish the reason he was in Philly was to support a more inclusive message."
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