Ara Brancamp
social worker | Queen Village
"Yes. It’s nobody’s business what genitals you have. You should be able to identify as the gender of your choice, regardless of your anatomy. I think the opposition is either due to mean-spiritedness or lack of education."

Jerrell Jackson
musician | Queen Village
"Yes. It’s ridiculous to make somebody go through the trauma of surgery and recovery, so they can identify as who they are. I just take somebody at their word. If they identify as a woman, they’re a woman. Their private parts are their own business."

Nan Jordan
social worker | Phoenixville
"Yes. To require gender-reassignment surgery would be unfair on so many levels. I fully support trans rights. I think it would be very undignified and a privacy intrusion to require proof of gender-reassignment surgery. We should be focusing on the mind, not genitals."

Lauren Nicastro
registered nurse | Society Hill
"Yes. There should be no problem with that. At a very early age, many trans people have realized they’re actually the opposite gender. So the sooner they can get their birth certificates to match their gender identity, the better. I think it’s fine."
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