Kate Collins
financial analyst | Society Hill
"No. Somebody has to do the job, and she seems determined to do it. Of course, if she’s found guilty, she’ll have to leave. But meanwhile, she should continue doing the job she was elected to do."

Connor Markey
media specialist | Society Hill
"No, she should remain in her position. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Everyone is entitled to due process. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt."

Ivory Jones
beautician | South Philadelphia
"She can remain in office while the system plays itself out. If she’s guilty, she has to go. But maybe she should consider taking a leave of absence, with pay, until everything is resolved. Usually, where there’s smoke, there’s fire."

Michael Thackray
cinematographer | Brewerytown
"I am very, very trusting. But I think the political world is very corrupt. So it’s best for her to step aside, just to avoid any more distractions from the issues that matter. It’s a distraction we really don’t need."
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