Aracely Alicea
retail manager | Northeast Philadelphia
"Yes. I find Caitlyn Jenner’s transition very interesting. I’d like to see how she’s coping with it, and how her family is coping with it. But I hope the Kardashian clan doesn’t dominate the show. It should be about Caitlyn and her transition."

Ellen Goldberg
teacher | Queen Village
"I’m all for the cause [of LGBT rights]. But I’m a bit skeptical of Caitlyn’s motives, because she’s so plugged into the whole Kardashian hype. I don’t like her urge for celebrity. So I won’t watch the show. I just feel it sullies the cause."

Deanna Postlewait
sales representative | South Philadelphia
"Yes. I have cable so I’ll watch it. I’ve never seen a reality show with a transgender theme. The subject is usually more personal. I’d like to see how [Jenner] is living as a transgender woman, on a daily basis. The fact that she’s a celebrity makes it interesting too."

Michele Livingston
artist | Fairmount
"No. I fully support LGBT rights and I absolutely support everything Caitlyn Jenner is doing. But I’m just not into reality TV. I’m more into ‘Democracy Now’ with Amy Goodman. But I might make an exception, if curiosity gets the best of me."
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