Mark A. Davis
mental-health activist | Queen Village
"Barbara Gittings. As a pioneer, she did something great for our communities by challenging the American Psychiatric Association to eliminate homosexuality as a mental disorder. I shall forever try to follow in her footsteps."

Kenneth Doran
retired educator | Washington Square
"Barbara Jordan. I like the way she took on President Nixon as a fierce warrior during Watergate. She was a fighter for justice. She’s totally deserving of being on the new $10 bill."

Jennifer McGowen
sign-language interpreter | Washington Square West
"Florence Nightingale. I really admire her. She was in the forefront of developing sanitary conditions during the Civil War. It would be awesome to see her on the $10 bill."

Bradford Putt
fundraiser | Center City
"Eleanor Roosevelt. She was such a strong civil-rights advocate at a time when it was really frowned upon. We’re forever in her debt. She’s a female heroine of mine."
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