Abby Rubin
graduate student | Society Hill
"If I had my druthers, I’d like for there to be a law against those boycotts, because it’s discrimin-ation. However, you can’t outlaw idiocy. We live in a free society. I just hope it doesn’t gain any steam."

Rebeca Lee
server | South Philadelphia
"I strongly disagree with their position. I’d never participate. But they have the right to organize boycotts. If someone suffers economically as a result, that’s the price you have to pay to live in a ‘free’ society."

Ed Robb
home relocator | Lower Moyamensing
"I wouldn’t think twice about avoiding a Christian event, so I have to give Christians the right to boycott pro-LGBT businesses. But I don’t think it will have any effect on Wells Fargo [targeted for a boycott by Franklin Graham]. They’re a powerhouse. Good luck, Christians!"

Diana Hamm
bartender | Queen Village
"It’s silly. It’s an exercise in futility, but it’s their right to do it, if they want to be ridiculous. And if they want to make their lives harder for no good reason."
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