Carol: I’m very proud to be a part of a great team at PGN. I’m also very proud of the community that has learned how to take care of its own. This is a great time we live in, so let’s all be proud of who we are.
Don: How far we’ve come. Memorial Day Weekend, I saw two teenage boys, probably high-school age, walking hand in hand on the boardwalk in Wildwood — unthinkable just a couple of years ago.
Greg: I’m proud of our sales team for giving 100-percent every single day and navigating through all the craziness during Pride season.
Jen C.: That I was able to legally marry my partner of eight years right here in our own state, surrounded by family and friends.
Jen J.: I’m proud to be a part of the fun staff at PGN, who works so diligently to bring awareness to the goings-on in the LGBT community, especially with all the exciting changes in legislation. Looking forward to more progression in the future!
Larry: I’m proud of my coworkers on the PGN staff for being the well-oiled, award-winning journalistic machine that we have been for the last year.
Mark: Philadelphia has much to take pride in this year: Again being named the most LGBT-friendly city in the nation by Human Rights Campaign; the first-ever full-scale LGBT exhibit at a major national museum (not to mention the LGBT exhibits at other local museums), coordinated by William Way LGBT Community Center; the largest Trans-Health Conference in history; the LGBT media summit the city hosted; the incredible support this community has earned from our city and corporate structures — from Comcast to PECO to PNC and many others. And there is so much more. But on that personal note, while I’m proud of our work on the John C. Anderson LGBT-friendly senior affordable apartments, it’s my family here at PGN, who each week brings you award-winning journalism on par with the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post, that makes me most proud. And then the most personal: I’m now a happily married man.

Prab: I’m proud of myself for going outside of my comfort zone in my search for true love. I may have stumbled upon it in Elmira, N.Y., I think?
Ryan: I’m proud that marriage is now legal in our state.
Sandy: I’m so proud that marriage is arriving at a critical point in its institution (come on, SCOTUS!), and that my daughter, age 9, didn’t bat an eye when I explained it to her. I’m also proud my editor married her love in the sweetest ceremony ever!
Scott: I usually reserve my pride for someone else, like my boyfriend Micheal, but I really am quite proud of the multiple photography awards I’ve won this year, especially the SPJ one I get to collect at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., later this month.
Sean: Looking at the odd assortment of crazies running as Republicans for president in 2016, I’m proud to live in a place where most people realize how round-the-bend most of them are on LGBT issues.
Tim: I’m proud that our local community continues to be on the front line of advances in all areas of LGBT life. The upcoming 50th anniversary of the Annual Reminder LGBT protests is a great opportunity to celebrate our successes.