Maclyn Bean
photographer | West Philadelphia
"Yes, I’d make that commitment. I wouldn’t even work as a photographer at straight weddings. And I’d go to as many gay weddings as I could, until marriage equality becomes the law of the land."

Brandon Bishop
woodworker | Pittsburgh
"I’m a straight ally. I’ve been single for most of my adult life, so I don’t see myself getting married any time soon. But if my [straight] friend asked me to attend his wedding, I wouldn’t disappoint him just to make a political statement. I wouldn’t go to that extreme."

Meradith Hadley
dance teacher | Baltimore, Md.
"No. I fully support LGBT rights but I like to go to weddings and celebrate people’s unions. I have four weddings that I’m planning to attend in the next few months. It would be a major upheaval if I canceled those plans.”

Jennifer Witzleben
dance teacher | Baltimore, Md.
"I’m sympathetic to the [LGBT] cause but I’m getting married [to a man] in September. I’m not going to boycott my own wedding! My parents would kill me; so would his. The invitations haven’t gone out yet, but a significant amount of planning has been finalized. We have the caterer, DJ and venue."
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