Lauren Brown
student | North Philadelphia
"Yes, I think a boycott is fine. If people are that passionate about it, go for it. Dolce and Gabanna should have known better. If you’re going to make public statements like that, you should be ready for a boycott."

Ashley Serna
bank teller | South Philadelphia
"No. Their business practices have nothing to do with their personal opinions. I don’t go into a store and ask the owner their view on gay marriage. That’s irrelevant. If they have beautiful clothes, I’ll buy them."

Khaliha Hawkins
student | North Philadelphia
"Yes, but I don’t think it will be very successful. Unfortunate-ly, I think a lot of people agree with their views. But their comments about ‘synthetic children’ were bizarre. Children are real. Artificial insemination doesn’t produce synthetic children. The fact that Dolce and Gabanna are gay doesn’t excuse their non-progressive views."

Lalonna Griffin
security guard | South Philadelphia
"Yes. You can’t be telling people they shouldn’t be getting married, or adopting children. That’s totally unacceptable. Everybody is different in this day and age. I would support a boycott of their business. They won’t get any money from me."
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