Three LGBT candidates get Dem backing

Three out candidates running in next month’s primary election were recommended for endorsement by local Democratic leaders last weekend.

At the Democratic City Committee’s Policy Committee meeting Saturday, members voted to recommend Sherrie Cohen, who is running for a City Council-at-Large seat, for party endorsement. This marks the first time an LGBT candidate for City Council has been recommended for endorsement by the full committee, which will release its official endorsements in a few weeks.

The group also voted to recommend Christopher Mallios and Abbe Fletman, both running for Court of Common Pleas judgeships, for endorsement. Both Mallios and Fletman were also recently rated “highly recommended” by the Philadelphia Bar Association.

Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club sent the Policy Committee a letter the day before the meeting, urging it to back an LGBT candidate for Council.

“Despite the many gains that have been made over the last 20 years, the fact remains that Philadelphia is the only one of this country’s top-five major cities to never elect an open LGBT member to its City Council,” Liberty City co-chairs Sara Jacobson and Tony Campisi wrote. “Simply having allies on Council is not enough. It is critical for our community to have a direct vote in City Council and not only to serve as a voice for our community, but also to demonstrate to the thousands of LGBT Philadelphians that they are important and valued members of our party.”

Liberty City will make its own endorsements April 16. 

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