Love lessons

PGN put out the call last month for same-sex couples who are recently engaged or married — and we were (pleasantly) surprised by the number of announcements we received.

This is our second Wedding Issue since Pennsylvania legalized same-sex marriage last spring but by far the most announcements we’ve ever carried. While interviewing each couple, writing their stories and laying out the mammoth issue was taxing on our staff, the stories we got to learn, and the lessons we collectively took from them all, were heartening.

The enthusiasm exuded by the couples themselves was infectious — and crossed all boundaries. The couples we spoke with represented all walks of life: Some have been together for decades, others just months. Some are approaching their later years, others right out of college. Some have established, successful careers and others are just entering the workforce. But regardless of their differences, all of the couples were eager to effuse about their engagements, weddings and love for their partners.

They all too shared an appreciation for the emotional impact of marriage, particularly what it means for same-sex couples. While some couples we featured can remember Stonewall and others just came out in the last few years, they all seemed to be affected by the affirmation of the legality of their marriages. The word “legitimate” abounded in many of our interviews; no matter how long these couples had identified as LGBT, they all in some way were affected by the “othering” caused by laws enshrined in institutionalized homophobia.

And, like any newly engaged or married couple, they all were brimming with memories they’ve shared, goals for the future and lessons they’ve learned. Chief among the latter was communication; nearly all of the couples we spoke with said that talking openly and honestly was key to the success of their relationship. And, they said, being willing to step outside oneself and explore obstacles, large or small, from the perspective of another, fueled that open communication.

While this was a busy week at PGN as we put out our largest-yet Wedding Issue, it was also a time when we able to appreciate the real-life impact that the marriage-equality movement is having. As the couples described, marriage is not easy — they all shared challenges, obstacles and ups and downs — but its impact is undeniably far-reaching, both practically and emotionally.

We thank them all for sharing their stories and look forward to continuing to celebrate with our community across the nation as the marriage-equality movement enters its next phase.


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