Brittany Clark
homemaker | Valley Township
“Yes. The government should come down with all of its power to persuade the doctor to do the right thing. Doctors take an oath to practice medicine responsibility. You can’t do that if you’re making judgments about people’s sexuality. The parents’ sexuality is irrelevant. In the end, it’s about the child, not the parents."

Marie Diehl
store manager | Mayfair
"Yes. The government should definitely intervene if the pediatrician refuses to cooperate. Doctors shouldn’t be able to pick and choose their patients. There should be clear laws against discrimination. The government should also monitor the situation to make sure the child receives quality care."

Mackenzie Gifford
store clerk | South Philadelphia
"Doctors should provide care for everyone. But the government shouldn’t force them [to do so]. Instead, just give them a fine and a reprimand. If you force a doctor to care for a child, the child may receive inferior health care. That would be wrong."

Rachelle Andrews
student | Queen Village
"Yes. Doctors shouldn’t be able to turn away a patient like that. But I would try to ensure the doctor receives some type of sensitivity training. You can require a doctor to care for a child of a same-sex couple but you should also make sure the care is given in an appropriate manner."
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