DVLF honors community leaders

The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund announced it will honor six leaders in the community for their work in advancing the rights of LGBTs in the area.

Now in its ninth year, the DVLF HEROES Awards celebrates the character of its recipients and encourages others to act heroically. This year’s brunch and awards ceremony will be held 12:30-3 p.m. April 12 at Hotel Monaco, 433 Chestnut St.

“All of this year’s HEROES have been selfless and courageous in advancing the rights of the LGBT community,” said DVLF executive director Samantha Giusti. “They are all perfect examples of what it means to make a difference in the lives of others and the community we live in.”

This year’s honorees include a posthumous Lifetime Legacy Award presented to Gloria Casarez. The other HEROES are Community Awardee Ian Morrison, Straight Ally Awardee Deputy Commissioner Kevin Bethel, Youth Awardee Micah Rodriguez, Nonprofit Awardee American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and Business Awardee West Laurel Hill Cemetery.

One of the most important factors that DVLF looked for when selecting the honorees was the nominees’ philanthropic efforts over the past year.

“As the LGBT community foundation, we want to promote philanthropy and spotlight those individuals among us who are giving back,” Giusti said. “We look at their dedication and leadership in giving back to the LGBTQ community — over time, but specifically over the course of the previous year.”

A common theme among this year’s winners: Each awardee has been doing more behind-the-scenes work than anyone realized.

“All of this year’s HEROES are out in the community doing more work than we ever realized. Even Gloria — who was a powerhouse for our community — did so much more behind the scenes than we will ever know, “ Giusti said. “And this year, we are honoring Ian Morrison, who has received more nominations than we’ve ever received for one individual. [Morrison’s drag alter ego] Brittany Lynn is so visible in our community, but many people don’t realize how hard Ian works to support nonprofits in our community.”

For more information on this year’s HEROES or to purchase tickets for the awards brunch, visit www.dvlf.org


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