Chad Nelson
software developer | East Passyunk
"Yes, I think they will. The country has been moving in the direction of marriage equality. I think the court will move in that same direction. I don’t think they’ll want to reverse any previous pro-marriage-equality decisions."

Cindy Ngo
student | Olney
"Yes. People feel better about LGBT rights. The momentum is definitely there for marriage equality. And the younger generation is all for it. I think that will also help persuade the Supreme Court."

Emily Roberts
student | North Philadelphia
"Maybe I’m living in Lala Land, because Philly is so liberal, but I can’t imagine the Supreme Court denying this basic human right of getting married. Heterosexuals can get married. I don’t see how the court could deny that right to lesbians and gays who want it."

Julie Seidman
student | North Philadelphia
"Yes, because so many states have marriage equality already. I’m gong to make a leap of faith and say yes. Isn’t it too late to go back now? Backsliding would be too horrible to contemplate, at this point."
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