Lisa Cohen
lactation consultant | Moorestown, N.J.
"Yes, there’s a lot of racial tension. I think Martin Luther King would be disappointed that things haven’t moved further along. He’d be unhappy that things haven’t progressed to a more equal state than they are. But he’d also be pleased that Barack Obama was elected president, and continues to serve our country."

Lesley Cruz
student | North Philadelphia
"Yes. The whole point of MLK Day is about acknowledg-ing the African-American community. I’m glad that many people are saying that black lives matter. That was an important message of Dr. King. The recent police shootings of black people are horrible, but at least more people are recognizing that."

Annemarie McArdle
customer-service representative | Wissinoming
"Martin Luther King would be ashamed of some of the activity that’s going on in this country. He promoted peaceful protesting, and some of the protest-ing has been anything but peaceful. But I do feel sorry for the gentleman in New York who was choked to death by police. He wasn’t being aggressive or combative at all."

Corey Regensburg
musician | Queen Village
"No, it’s always been very significant to me. But for other people, I think it’s become more significant.The media is enhancing the day’s significance through all the coverage of the police shootings of African-Americans. And that enhanced coverage is a good thing."
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