Alexandra DiFilippo
Reiki practitioner | Roxborough
"Take more time to pamper myself. Get a massage and pedicure. And increase the time I spend in meditation. I’ve been over-extended. If I’m not tending to my own needs, I can’t be there for anyone else."

Christine Marschilok
physician | Rittenhouse Square
"Have more patience, in general. I’ve been a little short with people lately. I’ve been stressed out and taking it out on other people. That’s not my true nature. I’m normally more easygoing."

Kimberlee Mason
artist | Society Hill
"Improve communica-tion with my girlfriend. We’ve been together for eight years. We have a strong relationship. We’re both Pisces. But I want to get better at sharing everything with her. I tend to be introspective. I don’t always tell her what I’m thinking."

John Schmidt
construction worker | Queen Village
"Join a social-change group that can help bring people together. There’s too much unrest and racial prejudice in the country. I used to be with Occupy, but that [movement] fell apart. I want to appeal to people’s better instincts, so we can all get along."
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