Center gears up for 40th anniversary

The William Way LGBT Community Center held its last public board meeting of the year last week, discussing plans for the organization’s upcoming 40th anniversary.

The meeting was held Nov. 25 at the center, 1315 Spruce St. Board members in attendance included Steve Brando, Anh Dang, Chris Durr, Rudy Flesher, Amber Hikes, Adam Hymans, Mandeep Jangi, Bob Lenahan, Jeff Sotland, Paul Steinke, Leona Thomas, Candice Thompson and Laurie Ward. Members Jocelyn Block, Tricia Dressel, Kim Keegan and Marshall Siegel were absent.

Executive director Chris Bartlett reported on the center’s upcoming anniversary. The center was incorporated in 1975, so it will celebrate its 40th anniversary in the New Year. The organization will launch its anniversary logo and materials at the Cornerstone Brunch and Annual Meeting Jan. 10, as well as unveil 40 stories from constituents that capture the center’s long-term impact.

Bartlett also announced the hiring of Will Jordan as the center’s new bookkeeper. Jordan has done nonprofit accounting for the Philadelphia Singers, Art-Reach and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.

Bartlett also gave the facilities report, addressing some of the center’s maintenance and repair issues. He reported that Dowd’s Heating and Air Conditioning was called in to fix the heating system for the lobby and Philadelphia Room. Due to a power outage, the unit had to be reprogrammed, and plastic will be put up on windows to weatherproof the building for the winter. Also, a new metal ramp with better traction was purchased and installed in the back of building, making it easier and safer for deliveries and wheelchair access.

Ward reported on board nominations. All existing board members who are running were approved for the slate or appointed to their respective positions. The board positions will be finalized at the Cornerstone meeting.

Brando reported on the human-resource committee’s plans, which included their annual meeting in February to plan for HR activities for the year as well as undertake reviews of salary, performance and health and welfare benefits.

Bartlett reported on the center’s finances. The center reported a total income of $91,308.80 in October, less than the projected income of $107,406. The deficit was attributed to individual giving and program revenue falling below expectations.

Total expenses in October were reported at $63,382.44 and expected expenses were reported at $69,383, a difference of $6,000.56. The center came in under budget for the month due to less-than-expected general-operating and personnel expenses.

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