Cory Wade Hindorff
model | Queen Village
"I would never wear blackface. It wouldn’t offend me but it could be offensive to others. I saw it at Halloween last year and was worried how others might take it. Even if it wasn’t meant to be racial, people are very sensitive."

Octavio Petrucelli
mechanic | Northeast Philadelphia
"I’d never be an Ebola nurse with protective gear. That wouldn’t be funny at all. It hits too close to home. Ebola is a serious issue. I’m concerned it will have devastating effects throughout the world."

Devin Reaves
community-outreach coordinator | Spruce Hill
"I’d never impersonate James Holme, the guy with orange hair who massacred folks in a Colorado movie theater. You don’t want to glamorize those people. It’s bad enough the news media sensationalizes mass murder and turns the shooters into pop-culture icons. I would definitely draw the line at that."

Krystal Roberts
bartender | Doylestown
"Nothing that shows too much skin. I’d never wear a Playboy Bunny costume, with half of my butt exposed. It’s Halloween, not a striptease. Save it for the bedroom. Nudity is just not my cup of tea."
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