Shameika Black
AIDS educator | West Philadelphia
"James Baldwin. He was a prolific writer. He was very enlightened about racism, sexism and sexuality. Even today, we can learn so much from him."

Evon Burton
communications associate | Mount Airy
"Freddie Mercury. His stage persona was bar none. His voice was even better. His beautiful voice brought happiness into the lives of so many people."

Barbarann Lathrop
hair stylist | Fishtown
"Eleanor Roosevelt. She was a huge role model, a very strong woman. She took a lot of abuse, but rose above it. I love her quote, ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’"

DeMario Thomas
service manager | Mount Airy
"Liberace. I’d like to have his glamor and glitter. He was the center of attention all the time. It would be cool to experience that lifestyle."
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