Lanie Brunner
student | Overbrook Farms
"No. But so be it. That’s life; things aren’t always fair. Her father’s a police chief, so that might help her get off. She chose to participate in social media. It’s unfortunate that she’s in this situation. But she contributed to it by her actions."

Erin Gallagher
hair stylist | Manayunk
"No, and it’s her fault that she won’t. Have you seen her Twitter feed? That’s all I have to say. It wouldn’t help to move the trial outside of Philly. The whole nation knows about it. Perez Hilton tweeted about it!"

Patrick McCosker
restaurant host | Queen Village
"No. I feel they should move it to a different venue. I think it’s unfortunate and unnecessary to have so much pre-trial publicity. I almost feel bad for the young woman. But if she’s guilty, it’s reprehensible."

Alicia Winning
student | Fishtown
"Yes. It depends on her defense team. But if she has good defense attorneys, she’ll get a fair trial. They’ll definitely be able to lessen the effects of all this bad publicity."
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