In how many states is it legal to fire someone on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity? (Answer is 32 for gender identity and 29 for sexual orientation.)
Lauren Herman
editor | Northern Liberties
“Thirty-two [states]. The Michael Sam thing piqued my interest so I looked into the subject and was surprised to see there’s much more prejudice than I thought. The extent of discrimination in this country is disgusting. A person’s LGBT status should be a non-issue in the workplace.”
Lauren Herman
editor | Northern Liberties
“Thirty-two [states]. The Michael Sam thing piqued my interest so I looked into the subject and was surprised to see there’s much more prejudice than I thought. The extent of discrimination in this country is disgusting. A person’s LGBT status should be a non-issue in the workplace.”

Rebecca Seelig
student | Washington Square West
“I would say 10 different states. It’s getting better. I don’t think it’s that horrible. Things are getting a lot better. It’s definitely more acceptable to be open about your sexuality. So I’ll say 10 states.”

Gavin Shaw
accountant | London, U.K.
“Forty states. LGBT rights is a new kind of freedom that hasn’t spread everywhere in the U.S. People are generally quite welcoming but that attitude hasn’t been reflected in governmental policy quite yet. In the U.K., there are inclusive, comprehensive antibias laws that protect everyone. I think the United States would do well to follow the U.K.’s example.”

Montana Tomaszewski
student | South Philadelphia
“Thirty states. There’s a lot of prejudice out there and a lot of ignorance about differences among people. It’s sad to say but our country has a long way to go before there’s true equality.”
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