Should Chelsea Manning be an honorary grand marshal of a Pride celebration?
Libby Rice
pharmacist | Society Hill
“Yes. She’s standing up for something she believes in. That’s very admirable. It’s especially impressive that she stood by her convictions, even though it meant experiencing a great personal sacrifice. I think it’s appropriate to honor her.”
Libby Rice
pharmacist | Society Hill
“Yes. She’s standing up for something she believes in. That’s very admirable. It’s especially impressive that she stood by her convictions, even though it meant experiencing a great personal sacrifice. I think it’s appropriate to honor her.”

Kristopher Barillas
hair stylist | Graduate Hospital area
“Yes. She did her job as a citizen and a whistle-blower. She should not have been imprisoned. To the contrary, she should be honored. She did the right thing.”

Brandon Gushue
office manager | North Philadelphia
“No. Someone less controversial would be better. There are so many worthy people out there who aren’t in prison. At Pride events, we’re supposed to be presenting a good public image. We’re not supposed to be showing off the criminals. She has enough going on in her life. She doesn’t need the extra media attention.”

Collin Woolcock
restaurant manager | Fairmount
“Absolutely. Chelsea Manning performed a wonderful service for the country. She exposed horrible war crimes and massacres. She’s in a position where she can use all the support she can get. I hope she feels comfort knowing that our community backs her.”
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