Should the pope address LGBT-youth homeless issues?
Kate Bracaglia
writer/educator | South Philadelphia
“Yes. A lot of LGBT youth have been thrown out of their homes for religious reasons. The Catholic Church has contributed to the problem. So it’s fair to expect the pope to do what he can to remedy the situation. Whatever he does can’t hurt. It can only help.”
Kate Bracaglia
writer/educator | South Philadelphia
“Yes. A lot of LGBT youth have been thrown out of their homes for religious reasons. The Catholic Church has contributed to the problem. So it’s fair to expect the pope to do what he can to remedy the situation. Whatever he does can’t hurt. It can only help.”

John Bridges
body piercer | San Diego, Calif.
“No, not a special outreach to LGBT youth. We’re all people. What does it matter whether we’re LGBT or not? As the head of a Christian organization, the pope should reach out to the downtrodden. But don’t stigmatize LGBT homeless youth by singling them out as an exceptional circumstance.”

Michael Hudak
teacher | South Philadelphia
“Yes. Why not? He’s an influential spiritual leader — right up there with the Dalai Lama. He has the cameras on him all the time. If he has that kind of bully pulpit, why not use it to better society?”

Kate Stoddard
massage therapist | South Philadelphia
“No. The pope would just worsen the problem if he doesn’t handle it correctly. What do folks think he can do? I can’t imagine a positive outcome with his involvement. He doesn’t strike me as someone with expertise on LGBT issues.”
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